Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 Resolution...Get your life in order!


Each year we all watch the ball drop (some of us make it and some don't, zzzzzz), toast at midnight with champagne, kiss and hug each other and pray for a good year.  Some folks embrace the new year with open arms, while others just sit and dread what's to come. If you're dreading the oncoming year, then maybe it's time to get your life in order. What do I  mean by that, right? It's a great time to take stock of your life;  a realistic and honest look at your life and set goals to change what you're unhappy with. Yes, I know change is tough and it's a little scary, but it can lead to freedom. Here are a few items that you may want to tackle in 2015.
  • Vow to spend more time with your family. If you have trouble trying to balance work and family, why not just enter them in your schedule, it works for everything else, right? If you carry an appointment book or planner, block the time out. If not, write it on the calender. If you are the person who coordinates the schedules in the house, don't forget to remind each member. Schedule game nights, projects, trips, date night, etc. If you are always on the go, try this handy online calender Cozi Family Calender. It can be accessed from your computer or smart phone, you can send reminders to other smart phone users and it is printable. You can also enter and pull up appointments by the persons name that you specify. A great little tool  for a busy world.  
  • Find better ways of managing your stress. Here are a few simple techniques of dealing with stress. 
    • Switch your mind onto positive thinking mode. 
    • Go for a walk, to clear your head. If you're at work and can't get away, go to the restroom and just take 5 minutes. Try carrying some peppermint essential oil to lift you up or maybe some lavender to calm you down.
    • Get more exercise. It is proven that exercise will make your body feel better, and your mind will follow. 
    • Take some me time every day. Whether you take it when you first wake up or before you go to sleep. You can sit and meditate for 20 minutes. If your feeling tired, meditation can renew your energy better than a power nap. 
    • Do something you love. It could be a craft, hobbie, sport, listen to music or take a walk.
    • If you are stressing due to something at work that you find overwhelming, try dividing the task into smaller pieces; doing this may make it seem less overwhelming.                     
  • Get out of debt. Finances are one of leading causes of stress. Develop a plan of action and start chopping away at that avalanche. Figure out where you are overspending by writing down what you purchase  and then reviewing it at the end of the month. Check out my blog entry on Getting Out of Debt - Step-By-Step.                                                                                                         
  • Create a budget for yourself and family. One of the most stressful things when trying to manage money, are surprises. Make out a budget and make sure to include everything from Mortgage/Rent to gifts and car inspections, to be better prepared.                                                            
  • Save more money this year. Here are just a couple of extras.
    •  Take an old jar, and at the end of each day throw your spare change into it. This will ad up pretty quickly, but don't touch it for a year. You will most likely have a couple thousand dollars when your done. 
    • Use coupons to cut your grocery expenses. 
    • Get rid of that gym membership that you never use. 
    • Take your lunch to work, instead of eating out. Say you spend $8 per/day 5 days a week. That is $2080.00 per year that could've gone into your bank account. 
    • Take your coffee from home. We'll say that you pay $2.50 for a cup of coffee. Even if you only buy one cup a day, this adds up to $250.00 per year. So between lunch and coffee, you've just spent about $2300.00 for the year on items that would cost a quarter of that if you brought them from home.
    • If you drink bottled water, return the bottles for your deposit. Four cases of water per month is $4.80 in deposits per month...enough for another case of water.
    • Switch your bank to one who offers free checking. Paying a minimum of  $7 over 12 months adds up to $84.00 in bank fees. If you use your debit card at unauthorized ATM's, then your paying more than that every year.                                                             
  • Quit smoking. Yes, I know, easier said than done. I've been there and done that as well. But if you can manage it, $10.00 per pack, per day is $520.00 per year. Can't manage to quit just yet, try cutting your smoking in half each day, you will at least save $260.00 per year. As an added bonus, you'll feel better. <3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  • Lost weight. For some of us, this is an ongoing battle, but it's worth a try. 
    • Drink lots of water
    • Try to shop ONLY the perimeter of the grocery store. Ever notice how all the fattening and processed "stuff" is down the center aisles? 
    • Commit yourself to 30 minutes of exercise for 30 days. By that time, it will hopefully be habit, and you will feel much better than before. 
    • Try juicing. Fresh fruits and vegetable can become super expensive if you are buying large quantities. You may want to try a food co-op like Rustic Roots Delivery or Farm 2 Kitchen both based on Long Island. They have fresh fruits and vegetables, often cheaper and fresher than the supermarket, along with meats, seafood, gourmet items,etc.
    • Try cleansing. If you have never cleansed before, you may want to start out with a cleanse like Love Grace Foods. They offer organic, cold pressed juices that are certified Vegan, Gluten-free and Kosher.                                                                                             
  • Create an emergency fund. This is your safety net in case you become ill or lose your job. Money guru Suze Orman, recommends having 6-8 months worth of expenses in the bank to be on the safe side.                                                                                                                                 
Hopefully these tips will inspire you to make some great changes this year. Happy New Year!

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