Monday, December 29, 2014

Money Saving 101 - What kind of shopper are you?

What kind of shopper are you? Not sure...lets find out!

When you go shopping for groceries, clothing, electronics or any other type of you have a strategy, or do you fly by the seat of your pants?

While many Americans succumb to overcrowded stores and paying full price just to get it over with, there are just as many Americans that go to the store with a plan of action. 

What kind of shopper are you? Let's find out...

First, you have the "Guided Missile" type of shopper. Picture in your head the theme song from Mission Impossible...dodging in and out of clothing racks, darting past perfume snipers, hurdling browsing shoppers to complete their mission. The mission... get in and out of the store as fast as possible without any distractions whatsoever. They zero in on the item, snatch it up, pay for the item and out to the car that awaits them in the no parking zone with the engine running. Exactly 4 minutes and 15 seconds flat! Timing themselves all the while. They are the decisive and no-nonsense Guided Missile shopper.

The second is the  "Impulse Shopper", you know, the one that HAS to have it! You will frequently here them uttering phrases like: "But what if I come back and it's gone" or "I'd better get that in three colors, they may not have it next time I come here", "...well, I don't really need it..but it's such a good price...", but at least if I buy it now, I'll have it for when I need it". Two weeks and $400 later and they still haven't  used it, worn it, needed it or want it any longer. The last phrase you may hear will be "Oh, why did I buy this?" If you often find yourself with feelings of buyers remorse, then you may be the "Impulse Shopper".

Next is the "Bargain Shopper", they go to the stores with coupon binders, coupon books, spreadsheets, coupon codes and every loyalty card know to man. They stock pile their goods like a squirrel stores nuts for winter.  If there is a deal to be had, they will sniff it out like a blood hound tracking a duck. These sniper shoppers never go to the store unprepared. They will leave the store with three mounded carts of groceries paying just $4.30 for the entire order. You are following behind them with a loaf of bread, two gallons of milk and a package of chicken which just cost you $43.96, and no, you are not in the twilight zone. You can count on them finding the best deals in town and online. When planning a shopping trip with the Bargain Shopper, you'd better be prepared or you'll be left in the dust.

Lastly, we have the "Fickle Shopper". You can find them wandering around the store, looking through racks, picking out a few things they may want to purchase. They may make their way to the checkout line, but eventually they leave the line to put some if not all of the treasures back. But wait, they think to themselves, I could really use, x,y and z. So back to the shelves they go to pick out the same items they just put back. They wander around the store, in and out of isles, trying to justify buying each item. This can go on for quite some time, back and forth, back and forth, but  in the end they usually leave with nothing and got their daily exercise.  

So, what kind of shopper are you?

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